Example Assignment: Quality Improvement Project Proposal

Topic : Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)

  1. Introduction :
    • Define HAIs and their impact on patient outcomes and healthcare costs.
    • State the purpose of the QI project: reducing HAIs in a hospital setting.
  2. Problem Statement :
    • Identify the prevalence of HAIs in the target population (e.g., surgical patients, ICU patients).
    • Highlight the consequences of HAIs, including increased morbidity, mortality, and financial burden.
  3. Literature Review :
    • Summarize existing research on effective strategies for preventing HAIs (e.g., hand hygiene, sterilization protocols, antimicrobial stewardship).
  4. Proposed Intervention :
    • Describe the intervention (e.g., implementing a comprehensive hand hygiene program).
    • Outline the implementation plan, including timelines, resources, and stakeholders.
  5. Evaluation Plan :
    • Define outcome measures (e.g., HAI rates, compliance with hand hygiene protocols).
    • Explain how data will be collected, analyzed, and reported.
  6. Conclusion :
    • Summarize the potential impact of the intervention on patient safety and quality of care.
    • Discuss sustainability and scalability of the project.


NURS6222: Healthcare Safety and Quality Management is a critical course for advanced practice nurses who aim to lead initiatives that improve patient care and organizational performance. By mastering the principles of safety, quality improvement, and regulatory compliance, you will be well-prepared to drive positive change in healthcare settings. With dedication and effort, you can excel in this course and contribute meaningfully to the field of nursing and healthcare leadership.