While looking at the list of funny ICD-10 codes brings humor to our busy day as nurse practitioner, there is actually a lot more to billing and coding in healthcare! The Nurse Practitioner Charting School has put together The Basics of Billing and Coding Course to educate and empower nurse practitioners!
Billing and coding for nurse practitioners
This instant access, online course offers 75 minutes of video training (broken down into easy to consume lessons) teaching you the basics of coding in the outpatient, inpatient/obs, ER, and nursing facility setting! Lesson topics include:
  • Coding and Billing Terminology: Discover the lingo and process of coding and billing patient encounters.
  • Introduction to Coding: Learn the things you didn’t learn in nurse practitioner school!
  • Coding by Medical Decision Making: A complete breakdown of how to select each evaluation and management CPT® code using medical decision making for outpatient, inpatient/obs, ER, and nursing facility patient visits.
  • Coding by Time and Prolonged Services: This lesson covers the coding by time and the 2021 changes to the Evaluation and Management Codes as well as the 2023 changes to the Evaluation and Management Codes.
  • Practice Coding Examples: We will discuss real world examples and learn to code using evaluation and management levels 99202-99205 and 99211-99215.

And lifetime access to the course (come back and review at any time)!!

Plus a bonus: 6 Tips to Maximize RVUs! Check out these 6 tips to increase your Relative Value Units (RVUs) (and learn what an RVU actually is)! Hello more $$$ Also offering continuing education hours!