Title IX is the law that protects students from sexual discrimination, sexual misconduct, and sexual violence. These laws protect students from a variety of assaults such as quid pro quo, dating violence, and stalking. In the short term, it protects students from being taken advantage of by other students and professors.  It supports me as a student by ensuring this is a safe environment. It makes me feel supported as a student, and if anything happens, I know my school will be there for me. This is very important to me as it ensures that all students feel safe, can live their lives, and focus on school.  This is one of the toughest writing moments in my history of academics. Researching and putting this paper together was incredibly tough because of all the ways you could overview these laws. I constantly felt sad and unsettled by all the ways someone could be attacked. Sadly, these things are more common than anyone would want to acknowledge. So, I’m happy these laws exist and that with this knowledge, maybe one day I’ll help someone in need. I hope everyone here is safe, knows they are loved, and sees they aren’t alone.  

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