As you and your family search for the right college, there’s a lot to consider, like the cost of tuition, proximity to home, and available financial aid packages. You can reference college ranking surveys to find the best options for your needs and determine what educational institutions will best fit you and your family. One of the most important choices is whether you will attend a public college or a private one. Sure, many of the most prestigious colleges are private institutions. And sometimes public schools get a bad rep. However, plenty of public schools are noteworthy and offer many of the same opportunities and more. In fact, out of the 11.6 million students enrolled in post-secondary education, over 72% are enrolled in a public institution. So what is a public university, and what do you need to know during your college search that will help guide you to the right one? Let’s find out.

What Are Public Universities?

public college or university is a two-year community college or four-year academic institution funded mainly by a state or national government. A public school is a college or university that receives primary funding from the state government. Compared to private schools, public colleges, and universities are typically larger in size and have bigger class sizes. This means tuition rates for a state university or community college are much lower than a private institution, making public colleges more accessible to college students. Because they are publicly funded, these colleges must follow guidelines mandated by the state governments. This means you will also have a wider range of majors and programs to choose from when attending a public college or university. They tend to have a larger population than private schools and attract more in-state students looking to stay close to home. GPA requirements tend to be flexible, with some schools even offering test-optional college applications. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to look for as you research whether or not a public university is a right choice for you.